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The Kinetisense 3D posture system is the only posture analysis system in the world that analyzes the frontal, sagittal, and transverse planes with a single front-facing sensor.

Whatever the patient’s need—standing posture analysis or sitting—Kinetisense provides the objective assessment that practitioners need to offer effective treatment.


Whereas active ROM relies on an individual moving their joint through a ROM without assistance, passive ROM is exactly the opposite. Kinetisense allows for truly objective and measurable results that reduce the need for doctors to “eyeball” results and allows doctors to show what they are seeing.

From improving strength and flexibility in athletes to helping patients with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, frozen shoulder, or myalgia, Kinetisense enables better outcomes and more effective treatment and training.

Balance testing for performance, concussion baseline, and reassessment or geriatric risk of fall has been limited to eyeballing or using a force plate. Eyeballing balance has its inherent limitations as it is subjective, while force plate technologies only give insight on foot pressure change and give no information on the body segment that is generating the most sway. With Kinetisense, measuring balance in a standardized and objective way enables superior training and better patient outcomes. With Kinetisense, you will have access to a tool that offers universal data-driven accuracy among your clients and patients.

Our system allows the analysis of any front-facing position with hundreds of variations. Every human body is unique, and each body has its own mobility and stability capabilities. Analyze human movement in real time and all three planes of movement.

A golf swing, hockey slap shot, body building movements and even desk position can be analyzed. This movement can be improved to prevent injury.